Share Local Information Easily
Online look-and-feel directories are an important piece for print directories, providing needed flexibility to distribution efforts and increased exposure to advertisers.

Over 2,000 Directories Delivered Anywhere, Anytime
One of the U.S.’s largest owners of print directories, The Real Yellow Pages has a broad coverage of local yellow pages and white pages information. To help organize this large collection and facilitate research and discovery across its titles, Dirxion hosts and maintains an easy-to-use website that allows for users to search businesses, categories, keywords, names or phone numbers in specific areas of the country. Once results are found, users are taken to the corresponding print pages to continue gathering information.
Throughout Dex’s titles, pages are linked in a variety of ways. Not just URLs but also cross-references as well as anchor links to see specific display ads are provided.
Directories Tab
Because Dex has titles in each state, a tab on the left hand side of the interface provides access to all titles, displaying state names that click into thumbnails of the different directories.
Filtered Search
Keywords submitted in the search bar provide results for both yellow pages and white pages, distinguishing not just free text matches but also categories that might specifically apply.
Digital Advertisements
Sell new digital ad space or offer additional exposure to top advertisers in the print directory. A variety of digital ads are supported in the Dirxion interface, including interstitial and banner ads.
Support a variety of languages in your digital interface or publication pages, with free-text extraction and search available for most languages.
Google Analytics
Have access to your product analytics to keep tabs on the product and understand how the pages are being used.

A Full Suite of Digital Services
Ojai Valley joins many independent directory publishers in working with Dirxion on a look-and-feel version of the print. What makes Ojai Valley’s project unique, though, is the listview mobile application that can be found in the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores. Businesses and consumers in the Ojai, Calif., area can rely on its directory to provide information across platforms and help people find what they need.
Mobile Applications
Ojai Valley’s mobile applications allow consumers to search across business through a listview of information. Dirxion creates the listing assets from the information in the print directory.
Popular Categories
Quickly access popular categories in the Ojai Valley print directory through popular categories listed in the table of contents.
Social Media Feeds
Access live social media updates from Ojai Valley’s social media pages, including but not limited to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms.

Create a Custom Landing Page That Suits Your Needs
Discovering information in a collection of print directories can be done in a variety of ways, and a custom landing page offers the opportunity to provide unique filters and categories to those searching your publications. Make it easy for businesses and consumers to search across your titles and find the answers they need. Dirxion’s developers will work closely with your team to create a page that solicits results.