Put your e-Edition on auto-pilot
Dirxion automates the processing and publishing of your e-Edition based off of your existing PDF layout, saving you time and money.

Stay Above the Fold
It just works. E-Editions don’t need excessive bells and whistles that require XML and manual input. Hundreds of newspapers trust Dirxion to build their e-Editions more efficiently and consequently, at a lower cost. With digital circulation readership continuing to increase year over year, now is the time to let Dirxion help maximize your e-Edition’s potential.

Automation At Its Best
Experience quick launch, automated publishing, and scheduled notifications of your e-Edition. All with zero configuration on your end. We’re able to capture the craft, precision, and beauty of your newspaper, and turn it into a reliable, automated web asset that your online readers can depend upon.
Cut the Cost of Online Publishing
Dirxion’s automation process makes delivering a continuous e-Edition product cost-effective. In most cases, we’re half as expensive as other providers.
Grow your readership. Reduce production costs. Monetize your online offering. Dirxion can help you open up production and subscription opportunities while saving you time and money.

Publish Your E-edition in Just Minutes
STEP 1: Design
Work directly with Dirxion engineers to design the e-Edition interface and choose publishing options.
STEP 2: Upload
Upload your PDFs daily, weekly or monthly to Dirxion's FTP site to kick off production.
STEP 3: That's It!
Within 30 minutes, you can read your e-Edition online or wait for the scheduled publication and email notification.
Dirxion is Trusted By Newspapers Across the Country
We handle, optimize, inspect and publish millions of PDF-based digital pages every year.